Hello again!
There is soooooo much to talk about.
The Badlands were epic, for real.

When we first got out, we saw some huge goats, and they walked right up by us, it was crazy! Kyrsten and I wanted to like walk up and pet them, but everyone was shouting at us “NOOO THESE GOATS ARE DANGEROUS!” So we didn’t. I think Kyrsten and I were forgetting that we weren’t at the petting farm (:

We also got to see prairie dogs, they were the cutest little guys ever and they were everywhere! They were yelling at us, a whole bunch though because Kyrsten and I charged them. I just wanted to hold them, they’re so adorable.
It is hard to even explain the badlands without pictures because it is so different from anywhere I’ve ever been! There were wild buffaloes just crossing the road and coyotes were just running around everywhere around. We got right up next to the buffaloes (safely inside Mable). They are SO big in person! Seriously, their heads are like way huge. They look kind of like wild things. It was crazy.

And then on Thursday we were supposed to be on our way to Yellowstone. But the brakes on the RV started acting kind of funny. We decided that that was something we definitely wanted to get checked out before we started going several hundred miles. So we did, and apparently our brake pads were almost gone they were so worn through and the guy said it’d take him several hours to get the brake pads changed. We were right by Wall Drug, and we had Lily, so we did everything that Wall Drug had to offer. We went shopping for Justin’s birthday present, and he ended up with some pretty hardcore cowboy boots! They are super awesome, and he wears them 24/7…This morning, he even went to the shower in the boots haha 🙂

We ended up sitting for hours in an arcade at Wall Drug, which was fine with us kids 🙂 We were at Wall Drug about 7 hours, it was surprisingly nice to get a break from the RV for a bit though.

Then on Friday we drove and drove and drove. I think we ended up being in the RV like 13 hours, or some craziness like that. It got a little monotonous. At night we were driving in North Dakota, and we were seriously out in the middle of nowhere without any cities nearby, or streetlights or anything, we didn’t have phone service for like 4 hours, and we just prayed and prayed that nothing would go wrong with the RV because we’d be out there awhile before anyone found us.
But all of that was worth it to get to Yellowstone, which was where we were at all day today! It was crazy there, we saw Old Faithful and about a billion other geysers. We also saw more buffaloes and we also got to see elk right up close! We are going again tomorrow because we are going to do more hiking and whatnot. It will be pretty awesome, I bet.
I will blog some more stuff later!! Kbye!

If you have something nice to say, say it here!